
Real-time Collaboration

Create instant real-time content collaboration

Real-time Collaboration is an Open Social extension that allows multiple members to work together on a single piece of content at the same time, making edits, adding comments and proposing suggestions that can be accepted or rejected instantly. This extension is only available with our software-as-a-service solution.

A powerful modern workplace tool

The Salvation Army

Create instant real-time content collaboration

Real-time Collaboration is an Open Social extension that allows multiple members to work together on a single piece of content at the same time, making edits, adding comments and proposing suggestions that can be accepted or rejected instantly. This extension is only available with our software-as-a-service solution.

A powerful modern workplace tool

Place your community at the center of workflows

With Real-time Collaboration members do not need to switch between various external applications in order to create, review, edit or approve content.

This extension lets members collaborate on content immediately inside your online community, toggling between public and collaboration views with the click-of-a-button

Visibly fewer steps in your workflows lead to happier members, higher quality content and higher member adoption of your platform.

foraus uses this extension to let members collaborate on foreign policy solutions

Swiss Think Tank foraus uses Real-time Collaboration on their Open Social platform Policy Kitchen to enable members to actively collaborate on ideas and suggestions for foreign policy solutions generated using the Crowd Innovation extension.

foraus logo

Want this extension for your online community?

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Add Real-time Collaboration

to your community

Want to add a new extension to your community platform? Click on the button below and we will set up a consultation with our team to help you

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more of our extensions

Your community grows and improves over time, and so should your software. Enhance your existing Open Social community with additional features and capabilities.

Sky Theme

Fresh new
community design

Make things fun by giving your page a facelift!
New design has the same functionality as the classic page but in a modern and attractive look.


Activate and engage members

Make things fun by giving your page a facelift!
New design has the same functionality as the classic page but in a modern and attractive look.

Crowd Innovation

Solve challenges as a community

Make things fun by giving your page a facelift!
New design has the same functionality as the classic page but in a modern and attractive look.

Polls extension icon
Create online polls to boost member engagement or ask your community questions.


Engagement Boosters
Crowd Innovation icon
Solve challenges within your community via an idea-crowdsourcing process.
Engagement Boosters
Multiple Editors icon
Allow multiple community members to work on the same piece of content and create something unique together.
Engagement Boosters

Make your platform even more powerful

Real-time Collaboration

You want to add this extension to your platform

Fill in the form below. Your Customer Success Manager will contact you to set up a consultation and show the extension.