

Start the conversation in your community

Discussions is an Open Social extension that gives community members a space in which they can share ideas, debate topics and get to know one another.

How does Discussions improve your community?

The Salvation Army

Start the conversation in your community

Discussions is an Open Social extension that gives community members a space in which they can share ideas, debate topics and get to know one another.

How does Discussions improve your community?

Create community engagement and stimulate conversation

Discussions allow members to collaborate and get to know other community members. It is the perfect opportunity for them to share their expertise, and benefit from the knowledge of others.

Create a media-rich discussion space by attaching videos, PDFs, images and text to your Discussion and make sure members start with all the information needed to generate informed ideas.

Switch to Forum View to make it easy to search for and navigate discussions on your platform. Filter discussions by category, see most recent activity and more.

UNDP uses this extension to to create consultations

The UNDP’s SparkBlue online community allows internal and external communication between their 60,000 plus community members.

They use the Discussions extension to create consultations relating to specific topics. Each consultation is a multi-phased time-based event that helps build a bridge between the UN and practitioners in the field.

UNDP logo

Want this extension for your online community?

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Your community grows and improves over time, and so should your software. Enhance your existing Open Social community with additional features and capabilities.

Sky Theme

Fresh new
community design

Make things fun by giving your page a facelift!
New design has the same functionality as the classic page but in a modern and attractive look.


Activate and engage members

Make things fun by giving your page a facelift!
New design has the same functionality as the classic page but in a modern and attractive look.

Crowd Innovation

Solve challenges as a community

Make things fun by giving your page a facelift!
New design has the same functionality as the classic page but in a modern and attractive look.

Real-time Chat Icon
Real-time chat allows your Open Social community members to easily and instantly chat with one another simply by toggling the on-page chat window.


Engagement Boosters
Forms & Surveys icon
Set up a form or survey for members to safely submit crucial information.
Engagement Boosters
Crowd Innovation icon
Solve challenges within your community via an idea-crowdsourcing process.
Engagement Boosters

Make your platform even more powerful


You want to add this extension to your platform

Fill in the form below. Your Customer Success Manager will contact you to set up a consultation and show the extension.