
Google Analytics

Get in-depth data reports about how your online community is being used

Open Social lets you easily integrate Google Analytics with your online community, giving you access to in-depth data and detailed reporting about how your platform is being used by new visitors and existing members.

Measure activity on every community page:

The Salvation Army

Get in-depth data reports about how your online community is being used

Open Social lets you easily integrate Google Analytics with your online community, giving you access to in-depth data and detailed reporting about how your platform is being used by new visitors and existing members.

Measure activity on every community page:

Add powerful web analytics to your online community

Google Analytics is one of the most popular web analytics tools available today. And for good reason!

Using advanced machine learning capabilities, Google Analytics lets you get the most out of your data with deep analytics intelligence. This tool lets you access unique insights about the performance of your platform that you won’t get otherwise.

Detailed reporting with Google Analytics lets you paint a complete picture of what visitors and members are doing, while an easy-to-use interface and shareable reports make it easy to process and share your data.

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to your community

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Your community grows and improves over time, and so should your software. Enhance your existing Open Social community with additional features and capabilities.

Sky Theme

Fresh new
community design

Make things fun by giving your page a facelift!
New design has the same functionality as the classic page but in a modern and attractive look.


Activate and engage members

Make things fun by giving your page a facelift!
New design has the same functionality as the classic page but in a modern and attractive look.

Crowd Innovation

Solve challenges as a community

Make things fun by giving your page a facelift!
New design has the same functionality as the classic page but in a modern and attractive look.

Customized Content Access icon
Control the visibility and accessibility of specific content on your online community platform.
Community Management
CiviCRM Integration - Icon
CiviCRM gives you powerful constituent relationship management tools to manage your online community better.
Community ManagementIntegrations
Single Sign-On icon
One login reduces security risks while making your online community easier to access.
Community Management

Make your platform even more powerful

Google Analytics

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Fill in the form below. Your Customer Success Manager will contact you to set up a consultation and show the extension.